Sunday, July 20, 2008

itsy-bitsy has found its new home..

Hi all! Due to very busy working days, i've finally managed to find a new dwelling for itsy-bitsy blog and it's no more itsy-bitsy anymore since the members in the family of the owner is expanding real soon. I bet my life will mostly revolve around my husband and my soon to be delivered daughter, i might as well start something new. A new start.

Thank you for all your supports all the while and please continue to visit me @ .

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Preggo vs. preggo

One of my female dogs (ah Q) got herself pregnant recently. Her belly is so obviously different from her previous figure. She has lose her appetite as well. We haven't get a vet to check her yet but by losing appetite, her belly should shrink smaller but it is just otherwise. It's getting bigger everyday same as mine.

A conversation between me and Q:
Me (pour a small bowl of water & place in front of Q): Q ah, you should drink more water cuz you're pregnant and your babies need it.

Q (stare at me in blank): .....

Me (stare back at her): ..... (blank)...

Q (get up and walk away): .....

Me : .... (sigh)

And assume that she's really pregnant. She is gonna give birth much sooner than me. FIY, dogs only need 60 days from the time of conceiving to delivering the puppies. =_=" And Q can still do jumping, rolling on floor, running and perform acrobatic movements!

Monday, July 7, 2008


I've been very motivated to work hard like a cow lately, dealing with all the incoming problems from both companies under my husband's management. It feels good to be needed. It feels good to be appreciated in some ways. Time flies a lot quicker for me. Without realizing, i need to go for week 23's checkup this Thursday. Another month has gone by. I was buried in piles of work. But i seem to be enjoying it at the moment.

Another 3.5 months to meet my girl face to face. It's been a moment of anticipation since the day we found out we're pregnant with our precious baby. I can't say i've been very health-conscious so far as i do drink milk tea, carbonated drinks from time to time but i've tried my best to avoid them if i can.

At the mean time, i'm still taking iron, calcium, folic acid one tablet each as daily supplement for my body and baby's. I drink pregnancy milk powder almost daily and recently, as introduced by a friend of mine, i start to drink protein powder supplement so that my girl grows stronger and bigger each day. I tried to cut down on my carbohydrate intake slowly and i'm still working on it as i need to maintain my energy level for work. One thing i notice is my girl can kick and move VIGOROUSLY in me now! When i say VIGOROUS, i do mean VIGOROUS without much concern that she shares my tummy at the mean time. No, she doesn't take that into consideration. Every night, she just party away in the belly doing whatever she enjoys doing. As i still haven't figure out (i dont know if i ever will) whether that's a kick or a punch, she just loves to do that sudden sharp kick or punch whenever i'm at the border line to almost fall asleep. Then, she just stops and leaves me staring at the ceiling for at least another 15 minutes before the sleep bugs come again. I'm being bullied! T__T already....

Anyway, we've already planned something out. Half year after she is born, we'll be bringing Chloe back to Perth to visit her grandma and both aunty and uncle..hehe. Then, when she's around 1 year old, we might bring her for her first time holiday somewhere near. ^_^ I'm looking forward to it...

Monday, June 30, 2008


It's equally important to anything you find in your top to-do priority list! Especially when you're being pregnant and you think you just look so pale, dull, swollen and in the nutshell, ugly.

My wonderful husband bought me a BIG box of skin care products from Clarins a month ago. I've been using them for a month now and man, i feel good about myself. Despite being big and bigger, swell and getting more swollen, i find myself rejuvenated every time i use the skin care. You have to feel good of yourself, you have to love yourself before others love you! The wallet bled a bit after he bought the pack but he is just being so sweet and considerate and most wonderful husband of all! Love you dear!

Here's the BIG pack:

And it has every thoughtful mind in it:

A carry bag where i store all the products in there AND of course, the bag can be used for every other purpose when it comes fit.

From left to right: A non-alcoholic face toner, a soothing bathing gel, a 100% natural herbal stretch mark-prevention/minimization oil, a big tube of body scrub (I LOVE THIS), a day-time face lotion and a small bottle of energizing emulsion for my exhausted legs.

From left to right: I bought the second slim bottle a month later and it cost me around RM200. It's said to rejuvenate your facial complexion, improve blood circulation, lessen the dark rings and eyes puffiness and it helps to detox my face where all the 'toxic' could be wash down the 'drain' via the lymph nods located behind my ears. The last small tube is the newly bought face scrub that i used to use it when i was still in Australia.

I have to mention it again! I LOVE THIS BABY! I take time to scrub the whole body with it. Splash a little amount of water on the body and just scrub in circular motion and you'll feel like you're a soap! So slippery and smooth! I do this twice a week and the scrub leaves my skin smelling herbally great!

Claimed to be good for reducing stretch mark but my skin is still smooth and even smoother than before. Well, cuz it's very stretched now? ^_^ Stretch mark, GO AWAY!

Friday, June 27, 2008


听了 local radio 一位 DJ 做出的一段关于爱的分享:



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MouMou's video

Retrieving MouMou's photos

WARNING: Heaps of photos ahead. Watch at your own pleasure!!

The ol' days when she was surrounded by 3 Crocs...

Whatcha lookin' at??

Once, i was a fur ball and had super soft paws too..

Mummy nurtured me to sleep..sweet dreams~

Safe and secure cuddling my blanket to sleep (and my rabbit plushie too but i wonder where she had gone now)

I was all timid and tiny but NOT ANYMORE now..wuahahah

hehehe...That was me after my milk (yumm~~)

This is the only look that i need to catch daddy mummy's attention to give me food. They always surrender to this cute look of mine. How easy was that..

When i grow up, i wanna be like have hairy legs and i want that shoe lace!

Since i'm still young, i'll just help daddy tying up the lace. Me adorable or not?

Ooo..playtime with mummy~

My own playtime..i remembered i was searching for something

Stylo Milo style